A Life Alive
A Life Alive
A Life Alive
A Life Alive

1 - 2 Weken

Kindle the flames of wonder and wander through themes of self-discovery and life exploration with a positive tone and contemporary perspective.
A Life Alive delves into themes of self-discovery and life exploration, with a positive tone and contemporary perspective. The verses dance with the melodies of nature's symphony, crafting vibrant landscapes, profound reflections, and existential questions. As you turn the pages, allow yourself to be drawn into a voyage that kindles the flames of wonder and wander through the beauty found within oneself, the world, and the art of poetry.

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  • : Julia Clijsen
  • : Boekscout
  • : 9789465091440
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 68
  • : juli 2024
  • : 192
  • : 210 x 148 x 12 mm.
  • : Engels; Moderne en hedendaagse poëzie (vanaf 1900); Verhalend thema: coming of age