
All lies have consequences. Promoted to the top rank among King Respen's assassins, First Blade Leith Torren hides his involvement with the Resistance. How many lies will it take to protect his secret? Renna Faythe has done nothing but survive for the past four years, but now Leith's courage inspires her to try to be something more. If only she could figure out what that duty might be. When the unthinkable happens, faith waivers. Friendships tear. What else will they be forced to deny? But this time, Leith faces his greatest fear. He can't save everyone.

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  • : 9781943442010
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 324
  • : november 2015
  • : 485
  • : 222 x 141 x 31 mm.
  • : Blades of Acktar
  • : Kinderen / tieners: fictie: fantasy; Kinderen / tieners: fictie: religieuze fictie; Leeftijdscategorie: vanaf ca. 12 jaar; Met betrekking tot christenen en christelijke groepen